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Posts posted by samiyil

  1. 51 minutes ago, GregValiant said:

    You have to give Cura (or any other slicer) the model you want.  There should not be any "...it's almost right except for this part over here".


    You could try slicing in "Surface Mode" but I don't think it will make a difference.  You might also play with "Horizontal Expansion" and it might make a difference.  The hole will be there but it might get welded shut.  "Remove all Holes" might be something to try but I think it would give you "unexpected consequences".


    The real problem is that you have a model with a hole and you don't want the hole and you want the slicer to fix it...but it's a CAD issue.

    thanks for your interest,


    surface mode solve my problem, no holes. but i can not change the wall line count, I want it thicker.





    I think , I can not explain my problem. my problem gaps are inside blue circle (gap between parallel lines). they  remains like this. I used your advices , gap between parallel lines did not change, other gaps are affected.

    thank you.



  2. hello,


    I made .stl file with blender. it has no thickness, I mean I did not do anything to make it thicker(solidify modifier, if I do it, lots of planes occurs). So, I  change "wall line count" to 2 to make it thicker. But as you see, after two planes intersect or as two planes intersect, a gap occurs and I can not fill it.  maybe extra extrusion in the middle of red lines can be ok? but how?

    thank you.



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