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Posts posted by bdewitte

  1. Just now, wetgravel said:

    Well, using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. I ended up just installing all the missing packages that were installed on Reborn OS that weren't installed on mine. Cura started working properly after a reboot.


    That's not really what I was doing. Cura was crashing on my desktop PC running on bare metal not in a VM. That's what I needed to fix. I used the VM's to find an Arch distro running KDE that didn't crash Cura so I could compare the differences in installed packages between a distro that worked and one that didn't. And it worked!


    Could you share the list of missing packages, please? 

  2. I have the same issue on Manjaro i3. 


    Tried Cura 5.4 and Cura 5.5. Both AppImage and AUR build...


    Running with strace results in the following just before the crash:

    2023-11-01 13:40:19,435 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [444]: file:///opt/ultimaker-cura/share/cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:624:5: QML FileDialog: Failed to load non-native FileDialog>
    qrc:/qt-project.org/imports/QtQuick/Dialogs/quickimpl/qml/FileDialog.qml:4 module "Qt.labs.folderlistmodel" is not installed

    I'm not sure what to install extra, because I have both qt5-declarative qt5-quickcontrols qt5-quickcontrols2 as qt6-declarative

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