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Posts posted by Phrayzur

  1. Oh, hang on. You may have missed the first post. I'm new to the forums and I haven't had 2 posts approved by moderators yet. But it looks like my second post made it anyway. Here's the first post:



    I'm having this problem as well. I've got a duet board and in my Cura created gcode, the commands are given as M106 S255. But they are ignored. If I manually enter that the same thing happens. However if I manually enter M106 P0 S255 it turns on the fan and acts as expected. Is there a setting that I can change that will include the P value?


  2. That's a very good question 🤔. I need to start remembering that it's not January 2023 but 2024. I didn't mean to necro this thread. But I thought it was on topic. All the part cooling fan commands in my gcode are missing the P number. It may be that the version of the duet software I have requires it now maybe? I only just started using this a couple of prints ago. But I had redone a ton of stuff and chalked it up to me missing something. But when I check the gcode there's no fan designation. Only that a fan should turn on and it should be set to x speed.

  3. I'm having this problem as well. I've got a duet board and in my Cura created gcode, the commands are given as M106 S255. But they are ignored. If I manually enter that the same thing happens. However if I manually enter M106 P0 S255 it turns on the fan and acts as expected. Is there a setting that I can change that will include the P value?

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