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Posts posted by bcboncs

  1. Hi team, looking for some assistance with my Cura 5 gcode generation for my PETG ironing and corner-rippling issue, bridging as well. I spent all day yesterday trying different settings, prints, research, etc. I am coming up pretty flat without different results, hoping someone could point me in the right direction.



    using a .6mm nozzle

    250C nozzle temp

    85 bed temp

    Ender 3 Pro stock bed (magnetic?)


    My prints are coming out like this. https://ibb.co/9VKC6W4. This is a temp tower on the left and several iterations of BLTouch mounts for Ender 3 Pro.

    - The temp tower does not draw the temp numbers well, starting at 260 then reducing 5 temp as it increases layer height.

    - BLTouch mounts continue to have ironing(/pillowing?) issues. I'm also noticing "sag" when printing the top layer of "screw holes".


    Also, for Brim supports, I'm noticing the layers don't or barely touch which makes me wonder if something deeper is going on. Usually bed adhesion is fine but I'm noticing some trouble this morning after trying raft supports so I will try to relevel the bed again in quadrant fashion - Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,Q2,Q3,Q4,Q1


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