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Posts posted by Biem1000

  1. First of all, thanks for your elaborate reply!
    I checked the usb-stick that I used to transfer the .stl file to my Ultimaker, so that I could post the exact file that I used. However, when I load that specific file in Cura it says 'Make sure the g-code is suitable for your printer and printer configuration before sending the file to it. The g-code representation may not be accurate.'

    Because of this, I sliced it again. If I'm correct, all settings are the same as when I tried to print. In the attachment are both projects.
    Also, I will do the levelling as you suggested, but that has to wait until the weekend. After that I'll try again!

    1st Cura Project.3mf 2nd Cura Project.3mf

  2. Hi all,

    Recently I got the opportunity to use an Ultimaker 3 in my classroom. Before I start printing with my students (6th grade), I want to familiarize myself with printing and slicing. And since I DM for our D&D group, what better than to print some enemies?

    I have some limited experience with 3D printing, but the problems I encounter now are too much for me to fix. As you can see in the attatched images, I get a lot of spaghetti and overall bad results. The Ultimaker 3 printer is used by a lot of other teachers so maintenance was probably not really number one priority. So firstly I did hot and cold pull. My supports with PVA were really bad so I bought a new spool of filament (I read that moisture is really bad for PVA quality, picture no. 1 is done with the old spool). Still, my results are mediocre and I'm not satisfied with the results. 

    I use Ultimaker Cura 5.6.0 with fine settings (0.1mm), retraction on and with prime tower. What settings could I try to get better results? 




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