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Posts posted by SamPilgrimsTooth

  1. Hi All, I tried all the fixes in this thread but they didn't work for me.'


    The solution in this case was because the slicer that made the file (Bambu Slicer) does not output standards-comlpiant 3MF files. I ended up installing Bambu Slicer in a virtual machine, then opening the .3mf that way, and then exporting it again as a " Generic 3MF "), which then opened properly in Cura.


    The fix is outlined in this thead:


  2. Hi Everyone.

    I too am having some problems opening a .3mf file - but this one is from makerworld. Here is a link to it: https://makerworld.com/en/models/71322#profileId-75511


    Here's the error I get




    I even tried downloading Prusa slicer (v2.7.2 is the latest at the time of this post), that couldn't open it either (says the 3mf file is corrupt). I then went to SwiftConverter (https://www.swiftconverter.com/converter.html?threed) which then converted the .3mf to a STL for me, but I only got the top part and no rear lid. I googled some more and found this 

    where OP claims he can't open the 3mf in 5.3.0 but can do in older versions. So I downloaded & installed v 5.2.0, and that couldn't open it either.


    Edit, oops, ended up posting this before I finished my reply.


    In the end what I had to do is download and install Bambu Studio, then open the .3mf there (worked successfully) and then went to file -> export -> all models as STL


    Now I can and open & print in Cura.


    Edit 2: You can actually go to file -> export -> generic 3mf, and that will now open in Cura (and presumably other slicers too). Looks like in typical fashion Bambu 3mfs don't open in other slicers.

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