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  • 3D printer
    Other 3D printer

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  1. that's interesting... i bought some resine and filament 3D printers and comparing results so far, but your comment prompt me to look for affordable heat resistant resines i want to try by the time i get some experience.
  2. That makes sense, while i can actually buy those for the Schneider servos and motors (the terminals are cheap but the whole cable from Schneider is quite priced for DIY projects), i also have lots of outdated servomotors and drivers which i don't think i'll be able to get a terminal, so i thought i'd give it a try to print them
  3. Hi Torgeir, thanks for the heads up about Yahoo. I searched the Molex terminal in yahoo and came to conclusion this must be some kind of license (i reckon they don't give away 3D models for free), this is the CAD drawing and the slice i see in the model: This doesn't happen in all terminals, just a few i came accross today i needed, looks like use made them solid not to be used directly. I put two of them: A power plug from Tyco Electronics: 926225-1 The one i captured above, 436450200 from Molex
  4. The models are solid and i've to punch holes within, e.g: The silly thing is their CAD drawings in PDF are showing the holes where the electric pins are placed, however the CAD files i've downloaded so far in STL have no holes, is this a copyright issue or something? Thanks!
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