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  • 3D printer
    Ultimaker 2 (Ext

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  1. Actually the new filament which was out of the box seemed to crack quite easily, whereas the previous filament was a bit more bendy. I'll do a few more test prints and see how the situation evolves. This printer has not been used probably in years, I got it from a bankrupcy auction, the runtime stats are: Machine on for 1223:17 Printing 266:15 Mat:248m I'm glad the initial problem got solved with not using "print via USB" 👍
  2. Changed the filament to a new one, and the result was a bit better. On normal print quality settings.
  3. Hey, Thank you for the answers! ☺️ I tried to print with an SD card now, and the printing started normally! So in that sense I'm in the clear. The first print failed though, the print layer is extremely thin and the material doesnt retain its rigidity during the print. I calibrated the build plate once again and got the same failed result. I printed with default settings, with the print in the middle of the build plate. I'll attach a screenshot of the print and the settings. I suspect I should change the nozzle, it might be clogged. I don't have 100% information what nozzle it is, but I think its a brass 0.4mm. I'm using standard 2.85mm black PLA, which doesnt feel too brittle, but has been exposed to air for at least months, probably more.
  4. Hey! I've purchased a used UM2E+ I connected it via USB, did build plate leveling. Started a test print with Cura 4.7, the nozzle hit the build plate metal clips, aborted print. Updated Cura to version 5.7, factory reset the printer, updated the printer firmware via Cura, the printer firmware updated to V: _3.3.0ex Tried to test print again, nozzle still hitting the build plate metal clip. I did the build plate leveling again. In machine settings I set the printer X width and Y depth to 200.0mm There were some pre-existing G-codes in machine settings which are pasted below: Start G-Code G0 F3000 Y50 ;avoid prime blob END G CODE ;Version _2.6 of the firmware can abort the print too early if the file ends ;too soon. However if the file hasn't ended yet because there are comments at ;the end of the file, it won't abort yet. Therefore we have to put at least 512 ;bytes at the end of the g-code so that the file is not yet finished by the ;time that the motion planner gets flushed. With firmware version _3.3 this ;should be fixed, so this comment wouldn't be necessary any more. Now we have ;to pad this text to make precisely 512 bytes. I've removed these G-Codes and the problem persisted. Otherwise the machine seems to work fine, fans are running, material extrudes, build plate and print head moves normally, etc. What steps should I take remove this issue? I have only tried to print via USB, I am yet to get myself an SD card. I've attached screenshots of machine settings. Thank you in advance!
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