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9 Screenshots

About This File

For a smoother and more quality printing, apply the following settings in CURA printing software:


Layer height: 0.1mm

Initial layer thickness: 0.3mm

Bottom/top pattern: lines

Horizontal expansion: 0.04mm (when entering 0.04mm index, the 3D printer perceives the model as monolith, i.e. as having no hidden layers).

Speed setups:

Infill speed: 50mm/s

Outer shell speed: 30mm/s

Inner shell speed; 20mm/s

Top/bottom speed: 20mm/s

Support speed: 50mm/s

Travel speed: 100mm/s

Skirt speed: 30mm/s

Amount of slower layers: 4


Infill pattern: Grid

Line distance: 3mm

Infill overlap: 20%

Infill layers: 0


Enable support: Check

Placement: Everywhere

Overhang angle: 30

X/Y distance: 0.7mm

Top distance: 0.2mm

Bottom distance: 0.2mm

Stair step height: 0.5mm

Join distance: 0.7mm

Area smoothing: 0.6mm

Use towers: Check

Pattern: Lines

Line distance: 1.0mm

Platform adhesion:

Type: Brim

Brim line count: 10 (up to 20, depending on the models height)

Other 3D printing recommendations:

Outer Shell Speed - 20mm/s and Support Speed - 40mm/s setting apply to avoid model deformation. Other settings by default.

Disclaimer: This model will look outstanding if printed on SLA/SLS 3D printer. The accuracy of the model printed on FFF printer can vary from the result shown in the pictures.

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