About This File
This model was made by Thingiverse user DutchMogul for the Make-A-Thon design challenge and no wonder it won because it's a LOVELY design. No support needed for the lid and look at that bridging! Very sexy. The hinge is also fully functional and fits comfortably enough that I doubt it will break any time soon. I also love the raised dots and pattern.
A little bit of elephant's foot on the rim of the lid meant that it didn't want to close at first, but some work with a pen knife sorted that out. Similarly, the key did not want to fit into the lock at first but a little bit of effort on the lock and the key with a needle file worked a treat.
Printed at 0.2mm layer height at 195°C on the advice of a friend who suggested lowering the temperature a little bit for printing woodfill. It's also worth noting that this print took two attempts because a bit of crud in the woodfill completely blocked the core the first time round. Got to do my first cold-pull unclogging!
Edit: Forgot to link the design! http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:548151