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Posts posted by didero

  1. Hello all,

    My last print with the new cura 14.03 gave bad results, here are 2 pictures of the same object printed with both cura 14.02 and 14.03.

    With cura 14.03 every circle shape part are very bad.


    The result was even worst than what you can see on the picture (actually I sanded the part a bit)

    I used default settings on both print and same temperature same filament and same height (0.2)

    Do you experienced something similar ? Do you know what is causing this bad result ?

    Thanks in advance!



  2. Salut Hugo,

    Non les traces noires ne sont pas "normales" et correspondent surement à des fuites de plastiques qui en exposition prolongée à la chaleur du bloc d'aluminium viennent à "brûler". L'idéal est d'obtenir une parfaite étanchéité entre le tube de laiton relié à la buse et le bloc d'aluminium... Mais pour ma part, je n'ai pas réussi non plus à l'obtenir, alors je fais avec, et je n'ai pour l'instant pas trop de soucis avec ces "fuites" (parfois un peu de plastique "cramé" tombe lors de l'impression, aussi, je nettoie le plus souvent possible avant de lancer une impression). Je n'ai pas envie de redémonter la tête pour tenter d'améliorer l’étanchéité, je l'ai déjà fait 2 fois en augmentant la dose de PTFE autour de la tige filetée reliée à la buse, sans que cela ne supprime le phénomène. J'ai en prime casser cette tige filetée lors de l'un de mes démontages (il faut démonter à chaud).

    Certains utilisateurs ont choisit une solution qui consiste à utiliser une sorte de pâte durcissante adaptée aux hautes températures, comme celle-ci : http://www.permatex.com/products/Automotive/thread_compounds/a_thread_sealants/auto_Permatex_High_Temperature_Thread_Sealant.htm

    Cette solution est évoquée dans ce post : http://forum.ultimaker.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=292&hilit=leaking et apparemment cela à fonctionné pour eux !

    Le peek sert en effet à isoler la partie chauffante du reste de la tête, c'est sa principale fonction dans la tête d'impression d'ou son nom : Peek insulator --> Isolant Peek

    Bon courage et dis-nous quelle solution tu auras mis en place si tu t'attaques à ce problème de fuite !

  3. Salut à tous les utilisateurs francophones !

    J'ai récemment crée une carte des utilisateurs francophones de l'Ultimaker, afin de pourquoi pas, tenter des rapprochements entre utilisateurs isolés, et découvrir s'il y a une ultimaker près de chez vous.

    Je vous invite donc à vous y inscrire, ou inscrire votre FabLab ou hackerspace si votre organisation en possède une !

    Cela se passe sur mon blog à cette adresse : http://replica-3d.fr/carte-des-utilisateurs-dultimaker-francophone/

    A bientôt !


  4. Hello Alx !

    Any progress with your work ?

    I downloaded the "compiled" version of the firmware you previously gave in that post and it has worked for me, but as you said your firmware is not based on the last version of marlin I followed that thread to keep me informed and to know when I could upload the most up to date firmware!

    Anyway thanks for the good job you already shared here ! I have my snootlab kit that works thanks to you !

    Waiting to hear from soon !


  5. Hi Tecnao,

    Sorry for answering you so late but I didn't suscribe to that post so I wasn't informed you posted a message!

    To answer your question, yes, I had the same issue with the bearings of the head! I glued them as well !

    I used a regular glue (like "super glue" the one that sticks your finger in a second !!!


    "PS : seems that the french machines have to face the same problem..."

    Not sure about that ! Maybe the recent laser cut parts have this issue ! We should ask new user to tell if they also have this problem and where they are from !!

    I don't even know if the cutting is done by the same machine for every UM, if not, maybe some of them have accuracy issues !

    That would be interesting to know if other users have this issue, so that we could inform the UM team that this may not be an isolated problem, like I thought it was before your post !

  6. Owen, Daid,

    When I see your good results with "basic" shape and settings, I don't know what to think ! To get something close to your result I had to work on inner structure !

    Could it be because of my grey PLA ?

    Following some advices I reduced the print temperature, could it be a bad idea ?

    Daid, could you take another photo of your print off the bed ? (My own prints look always better on the bed )

  7. Still searching for a structure that would low the wraping to the minimum, I tried to fill my box with concentric circles ! The idea was to "break" what gives strength to warping (I realized that lines guide the warping to one direction, so each filament on top of another, or aside to another give more strength to the warping, but what if the lines are replaced by circles ?)

    While printing :

    Ultimaker Original Press Kit.zip

    My best result so far not perfect but getting closer :


    The photo does not show it well but the new piece is much more flat than the others one ! One corner is not good but it was too close to the tape's edge on the bed and didn't remains stick to the platform because of that!

  8. Before to go any further I wanted to know if I would have warping with my box (5cm X 5cm X 0.5cm) if I just print the edges (thickness = 0.5mm) with the the same quality profil I used so far, because if I have some with that minimum of plastic, I would probabily have no chance to avoid warping with even more plastic !

    Here's the result :


    As you can see, there is (almost) no warping. The remaining warping is "acceptable" to me. So I consider I can keep on searching a way to fill up that box without getting too much warping ! There should be a trick !

    Some people advised me to try to put some kind of "raft" at the corners, I will probably test this option too !

    I will try something else in a couple of days !

  9. Hi Micha !

    No I didn't yet ! But first I want to focus on how could the design be modified to avoid warping (I don't even know if it's possible but that's my challenge).


    Helps me alot against warping and they are easy to be removed afterwards.

    It's good to know that your trick can work ! If my experiment brings me nowhere I will try it for sure !

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