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Posts posted by chuleo

  1. Maybe I've got a cheap alternative CAD software for some of you:


    (14 day free trial)

    I just tried it some Minutes and I'm impressed what you get for 49$. I'm a native Solidworks user so I'm used to to CAD work. It is pretty straight forward and easy to use. Cubify imports STEP, Solidworks Parts, IGES and SAT Files. That option makes it very valuable since you can use many models from one of the gratest CAD websites. http://grabcad.com/

    You can export STL files but you can't import stl files. The only major drawback I can find is the lack of an assembly function.


  2. Das war bei mir auch so. Mein Ultimaker hing damals ca. 1.5 Monate beim Zoll fest und niemand (auch DHL) wusste anscheinend nicht wo er steckte. Nach ca. 2 Monaten kam dann der Ultimaker bei mir an.

    Ich habe ebenfalls den Support angeschrieben und das Ultimaker Team versuchte meinen Ultimaker ausfindig zu machen - ebenfall erfolglos.

    Ich hoffe das ist bei dir nicht der Fall.

    P.s. komme aus CH


  3. Everytime i try to slice a bigger model with cura I get this error.

    Here's the log:

    File C:\Users\Chuleo\Desktop\cellularThing_optimizedForMakerbot.stl is being chain exported.

    Carve procedure took 1 minute 29 seconds.

    Preface procedure took 1 minute 4 seconds.

    Inset procedure took 6 minutes 7 seconds.

    Fill procedure took 15 minutes 6 seconds.

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "app_main.py", line 51, in run_toplevel

    File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura_12.08\Cura\cura.py", line 80, in


    File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura_12.08\Cura\cura.py", line 72, in main


    File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura_12.08\Cura\util\sliceRun.py", line 81, in runSlice


    File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura_12.08\Cura\cura_sf\skeinforge_application\skeinforge_utilities\skeinforge_craft.py", line 135, in writeOutput

    return pluginModule.writeOutput(fileName, shouldAnalyze)

    File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura_12.08\Cura\cura_sf\skeinforge_application\skeinforge_plugins\craft_plugins\export.py", line 275, in writeOutput

    gcodeText = skeinforge_craft.getChainTextFromProcedures(fileName, procedures[: -1], gcodeText)

    File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura_12.08\Cura\cura_sf\skeinforge_application\skeinforge_utilities\skeinforge_craft.py", line 44, in getChainTextFromProcedures

    text = craftModule.getCraftedText(fileName, text)

    File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura_12.08\Cura\cura_sf\skeinforge_application\skeinforge_plugins\craft_plugins\speed.py", line 143, in getCraftedText

    return getCraftedTextFromText(archive.getTextIfEmpty(fileName, text), repository)

    File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura_12.08\Cura\cura_sf\skeinforge_application\skeinforge_plugins\craft_plugins\speed.py", line 153, in getCraftedTextFromText

    return SpeedSkein().getCraftedGcode(gcodeText, repository)

    File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura_12.08\Cura\cura_sf\skeinforge_application\skeinforge_plugins\craft_plugins\speed.py", line 272, in getCraftedGcode


    File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura_12.08\Cura\cura_sf\skeinforge_application\skeinforge_plugins\craft_plugins\speed.py", line 349, in parseLine


    File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura_12.08\Cura\cura_sf\fabmetheus_utilities\gcodec.py", line 330, in addLine

    self.output.write(line + '\n')


    How can I fix that? As a test I sliced the same model with 1mm layer height, which worked just fine.

    It can't be because of the amount of RAM (10 of 16GB Free in normal operation.) Nor can't it be because of lack of disk space.

    I run Windows 7 x64 (The same thing happens with my desktop computer and my Notebook)

    Best Regards


  4. I have do add something: I used to have almost the same problem as you do. Except my printer didn't stop, it just missed some steps making the whole print unusable.

    The ultimaker is extremely sensitive to a dirty AC network. Every time i switched on the light in the basement where my ultimaker is, the prints shifted. (Guess how long i had to figure that out :roll: ) The next thing I do is installing a Line filter. I hope that works... if not I consider buying a cheap online USV.

  5. Order numer #100001255

    Order date: 11.1.2012

    Payment confirmed : 15.1.2012

    Date Shipped: 24.2.2012

    Date Received: N/A

    Thank you DHL for having lost my Ultimaker! Tracking nr is JJD00009005770854002660

    At least I chose insuranced shipping.

    Of course I already told the Ultimaker Team and I can say that their service is very good! They reply fast and are very helpful. When I contacted DHL they just told me they didn't know what happened. When the Ultimaker team asked DHL in the Netherlands they got informed that my ultimaker was lost. I hope parts will be available soon so they can send me a new Ultimaker.

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