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Posts posted by ronald

  1. Hello Zungara,

    Had a similar problem with underextruding. The diameter of my filament was varying from 2.85 mm to 3.2 mm.

    When you expect diameter changes you have to measure in more directions since sometimes you can have an oval shape.

    Also when your extrusion is fully stopped and measure the diameter just before the feeder, the extrusion the problem might be already gone.

    When my filament diameter becomes above 3.05 mm it does not fit through the owden tube anymore.

    When the diameter rises above 3.20mm it is diffcult to get the filament out of the bowden tube.

    It looks like a blockage in the hot end, but after taking it appart several times I never had a blockage with the V2 Hotend.

    Instead of getting another filament supplier, I used a 4mm ID bowden tube instead of the supplied 1/8" ID tubing.


  2. Tried to print on Metal but didn't stick even not with Hairspray. It made a big mess

    When I tried on glass with hairspray the bottom surface was a little rough but mostly shiny

    Also tried PVC but it melted (ofcource but tried it anyway)

    Got the information from Thingiverse: 28787

  3. Another thing poped up in my mind.

    The tensioning screw for adjusting the force of the filament agains the hobbed bolt ( as suggested by prather).

    One time when I tried to adjust the screw in order to start the extruding again it was very tight when I turned it.

    But still no Extrusion. I took the thing appart and discovered that the screw was not even pushing agains the plastic.

    The plastic screw is mounted with a Nylock nut. When turning, I just felt the force from the nylon in the nut and not from the plastic against the hobbed bolt. What I do now is opening the extruder using the plastic clip so I can see the screw pushing the plastic out and then close the extruder again.

    I also measured how much the tensioning screw needs to be turned inwards before the plastic is hit.

    Mine is at 12.2 mm

  4. My prints look like this if the filament is not taken in by the extruder.

    The extruder bolt grinds away part of the filament and there is not enough force to push the filament into the bowden tube.

    In my case it happens when the filament diameter gets above 3 mm. Also in this case I can not push the plastic in by hand anymore. Meaning open the extruder and try to push the plastic manually.

    What I do then is remove the filament and measure the thickness, cut away the too thick part and start again.

    I discovered this when investigating how much filament is transported on several extruder settings. I began with an empty bowden tube and started feeding. After a while the extrusion stopped grinding away the plastic. The end (or beginning) of the filament was in the middle of the bowden tube just were it is most curved. When I took out the plastic and measured the diameter It was 3.1 mm.

    Also using netfab but at 230 C. This gives a nice shiny surface.

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