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Posts posted by rman1974

  1. Amendment: now I create filament pressure in bowden tube by hands - just before print (when button "Print G Code is alredy pressed and you see little print menu in Cura) I rotate big extruder gear manually and observe extrusion (of course temperature is already set and hot end is hot). Printing head is in "home" position (low left corner) and I keep small piece of paper under the head to catch hot filament - so no need for procedure "start print/clear platform/start print again"

  2. Wehen I uses RepG It always had an error message saying something like, the design is not made for an ultimaker. Cura works very well, but now I got a problem that it never extrudes right. Either it is grinding on the filament or the bowden tube gets loose and I have to take everything apart. I hope the support has a fix for that otherwise I am stuck.

    Hmm. In my case everything works well. Here my second print - I think it's almost perfect


    One little hint - if ultimaker was just turned on I do next things (to create right amount of pressure of filament in bowden tube). I start printing then watching - is good extrusion is happening (It takes some time but not so much - less than 1 minute). If it is I stop printing, clear platform and start again.

  3. Same problem with extrusion here.

    At last I've got my Ultimaker. Ukrainian customs robbed me for additional 500 euros. They call it tax but I think it's robbery.

    Definately something is wrong with "Newcomer guide to your first 3D print". It doesn't work any more.

    First strange thing I noticed - when you are using control panel in RepG you can't move head in to negative half axis.

    Second strange thing - when you are printing something extrusion isn't happening at all. But extruder and hot end works fine - I've got nice test extrusion from control panel. I've noticed error message in log window when sent g-code to print - "Can't recognize M113". M113 means "Set Extruder PWM". There are two (at least - but may be more) M113 command in G-code - one in the begining (M113 S1 - set extruder to 100%), one in the end (M113 S0 - turn extruder off). I've tried all versions of Skeinforge and Slicer - same error in log and no extrision at all.

    So I've tried Cure and miracle happened - nice print from first attempt (thanks spooner777 you saved me). I'm curious - what is wrong with RepG settings?

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