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Posts posted by dipicorg

  1. Hi Daid


    I made a Mistake and uninstalled a previous Version of Cura. But before I saved a Profile in Beleive that all Settings are stored in it on my Server. After installing a newer Version of Cura and loading the previous stored Profile I observed that not all Settings are loaded back.

    It would be nice to have Cura using a general Setting that uses a Environment Varialble so that the current Settings are detected and loaded when installing a newer Version of Cura.

    As of my Mistake I lost all the previous perfect Settings and now I have to experiment a lot to get back my working Settings.

    Please use Environment Variable to save the general Setting in the Future, it helps a lot. Thank You


  2. Hi

    All Layers are set to the same (0.2mm). It seems that the Plug-In does only make a Pause when the Value is a litlte over the choosen Layer. There is no Offset or so for the first Layer and therefore it should mak the Pause at the selected Layer (68 in my Case).


  3. The Plug-In may have a Problem. I used an Item to print with Layerheight of 0.2mm and wanted to insert a Nut at 13.6mm (Layer 68) but there is no Pause at this Height. It only does this Pause at 13.5mm instead.

    I beleive that it would be helpful to have also displayes at which Layer the Pause should happen (Layer 68 => 13.6mm). This is helpful because in Cura you can select every Layer wit Shift-Up/Down and see where the Pause is useful.


  4. I have an original Ultimaker (DIY Kit). The Reason why I have only 85% is that the Surface is much smoother with this Setting than with 100%. I also use less on the first Layer because the Pressure is less on the Nozzle and I dont get "Elephant Foots" on my Prints.This is my Experience with my UM. When the Amount of Plastic is as exact as possible, the Prints come out much better.

    After my Changes, the Prints cone out perfect. It was just because I installed another (newer) Version of Cura (15RC5) and there was somethig left from an older Version which made this Trouble. Uninstalling the old and only working with the newest fixed my Problems.


  5. After changing once the Value "15" in the Infill of the Expert Settings, the Problen disappeared! There must be a Problem with a new Installation of Cura (mybe the Profiles used). The solid Top is now really solif and not just for one Layer.

    If anyone has the same Problem: try to change this Value one time to another and then back to 15. For me this worked.



  6. I observed that the Top of an Object is not solid filled when Fillamount is set to less than 100%.

    Try this: create a Cylinder of 50mm Diameter and set Top/Bottom Shell thicknes to 1.4. Set the Infillamount to 26% and Bottom/Top thicknes to 1. Slice the Object and see the Layers before change fron 26% Infill to solid. The Lines have the same Distance but are not solid (Lines touching each other). Layer height is set to 0.2mm.




    The Images shows the Layer before Top Layer, Top Layer and first Layer after Top Layer.


  7. I update to Cura 14.01 on Windows 7 64bit. In OpenSCAD i created a simlpe TestBox 2) with 40x40x10mm and a Shell (Wall) off 0.4mm. When Cura sliced it with the Settings in 1), the Result was like the Image in 3)

    The resulting Print looked the same like 3). The Wall is 0.8mm instead of 0.4mm on the printed Sides! Is this a desired Behaviour or a Bug?

    1) http://www.dipic.org/CURA/C1401-Settings.jpg

    2) http://www.dipic.org/CURA/C1401-NormalView.jpg

    3) http://www.dipic.org/CURA/C1401-LayerView.jpg


  8. Thank You all for Your Advices. I already checked this with Netfabb and found, that OpenSCAD generates this Error when building the Modell. It's a rounding Error (Scaling). I added a Little Compensation to generate the Modell with no Separation. The funny Thing is how Cura (any Version) Shows the Model and then slices it different.

    Thank You All....

    by the Way... the Model is for my own Heated Bed Controlle Housing: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:95994

    I love my Ultimaker and with the heated Bed it's more Fun.



  9. The Speed of the new Cura Versions is great, but can be a Problem when Bridgeing is needed. Some of my Parts doesnt use Support and therefore I use Bridgeing over Holes. The Speed to realize this is always to high on PLA and ABS.

    It would be nice to have an Option where bridged Holes are printed slower. I'm not sure, but does the old Cura not have this Option?


  10. I Robert I is right. But I have seen some flexible Shafts that can be used for both directions. The Dremel ones are not designed for that, so Daid is also right.

    The Motors are positioned on top of the Ultimaker and therefore the Movement is just for an Area of 22x22cm and the Shafts are not tensioned much. If you think they are positioned like the Filament Feeder, that's wrong. The Part snowygrouch has posted is not my Idea.

  11. The best Feature of an Ultimaker is the Speed and this is also its Problem. The Hot End does not feed the Extruder. This is made by a stationary Feeding Mechanism and a PTFE Tube, which slips often out of the Brass.

    The Solution to this Problem and Opener of new Feature (Quad-Extruder) is using flexible Shafts to transfer the Power to the Hot End. Using 4 flexible Shafts an 4 Tubes to pull the Filament from the Weels will terminate the Problem of the Plugs that occurs when the Filament gets to much Force to be pushed into the Hot End.

    The Idea is the same used by tranporting the Filament to the Hot End, not by a Tube, but by a flexible Shaft. The heating Elements, Temperature Sensors an Nozzles can be put very near together. The Top of the newly designe Extruder will just have some Parts that pushes the Filament directly into the heated Nozzles.

    Tell me what you all think about this..

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