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Everything posted by printedsolid

  1. There were a few more posts against this on the other forum. I wonder why the thread came over but the response hasn't. Probably like many others, I'm actually trying to start a small business out of this 3D printing stuff and am just exploring options. I had a minor panic attack about having invested too much money into this without having really made any yet, but I got a few orders so panic attack is over and I'm going to return to this parts supplier idea. Bill, do you have any suggestions on parts that I should carry? I'm probably going to place a very small order this week. Probably my needs (V3 bolt, maybe an ulticontroller) and a few other things just to test the waters. RBC1225 had suggested the aluminum plate, V2 hot end, and knurled bolt.
  2. I recently purchased a used ultimaker and am going through the process of upgrading parts. I've printed Bertho's feeder upgrade on my other printer and would like to upgrade the knurled bolt to V3 (presently at V2). Does anyone know if anyone is reselling ultimaker spare parts in the US so I can keep the shipping to a more reasonable level for the 1 piece? If nobody is already doing this, I'd be up for placing a decent size order and keeping them on hand for when others run into a similar situation. -Matt
  3. Not sure if the seller is still checking the forum, but this has been sold.
  4. HI. I'm in Newark, DE. I would like to purchase your machine.
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