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Everything posted by gwenaelfr

  1. Yes, it means that the head should touch each corner.. But it doesn't... Furthermore, during a few seconds, the 2 motors are working instead of only 1.
  2. Thanks for your reply, i've already tried to move each axe alone and it seems to be ok. I'll check the screws when I am at the lab. In fact, the head doesn't abut the corners in each step of the " Run bed levelling wizard" process.
  3. Hi, I need help... after a displacement, our Ultimaker doesn't work well anymore. Indeed, when I launch the Run bed levelling wizard process under Cura, the head won't move in each corner : the head is poorly moving or the head moves diagonally (the 2 stepper motors work together ...) I've tried several things but nothing works... - Grease the axles - Repeat the parallelism of axes - Tighten the belts - Try different firmwares - Check the jumpers With best regards, Gwenael
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