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Posts posted by csdragon

  1. Hello!

    As you all know its a fact that PVA is very expensive and when you print it too long it going to jam the nozzles.

    The next thing is that the printing with a second extruder lasts much longer than with a single one. Most of the time I only need the support material at maximum 10% of the layers... So it would be nice if either:

    - Cura realizes when the second extruder is not longer needed for support material and then stops printing with it (reduces the temperature and does not longer print the primetower etc. anymore)


    - if there would be a little plugin where I can set up the layer where the second extruder should stop to print, reduce the temperature etc.

    Is there anything like that included, planned or does anybody know how to programm a plugin that could do this?

    Thanks in advance!


  2. Ja... hab ich... nur zu heiss... damit war dann mein Druckkopf im A...

    Und hab gestern erst meinen neuen bekommen. Somit hab ich leider noch keine guten Referenzwerte...

    Ach ja: immer sofort danach mit reichlich PLA "nachspülen"... bleibt da n bisschen drin und wird zu heiss, is der Druckkopf teilweise richtig schnell unbrauchbar!


  3. I've got a question to that:

    If I would print with the old support material method and then with the new: at what of both methods do I need more material?

    If it will be a lot more at the new method it would be nice if you would include a check-button because PVA is not that low priced!

    By the way: would be nice if you would integrate a second filament setting price/kg to calculate the real price!

    The cost for PLA was about 30Euro /kg and PVA was 60Euro / 1/2kg...


  4. Hello!

    I'm using Cura 13.06.4 at the moment. Is it possible that support structure is not printed with a second color at this moment? I am using PVA and selected "support type - everywhere" + "support dual extrusion".

    If I thave a look at the layers everything look fine but when I want to print it at the Ultimaker it does only one colour. It heats up only one head too... Whats wrong here?

    Or is the current version not working with this?


  5. Welcome!

    Well... I ordered one too... Wanted it because of printing with PVA (filament that disapears in cold water).

    Theres a point at Cura to set it up but it prints with the first colour ignoring this...

    The first prints I made was a cube with some layers white, some green to set up the correct x,y. The original setting was not a 100% nice!

    My second print was this testprint (but my notebook cut the connection to the printer):

    multicolor Testprint

    Green was not printing nice but its a nice result anyway.


  6. Morgen und willkommen im Forum!

    Hab deinen Eintrag zwar am Freitag schon gelesen, konnte mich aber erst nicht anmelden und dann bin ich leider nicht dazu gekommen...

    Naja... Nähe is relativ... bis zu dir sinds 22km ^^

    Von meiner Arbeitsstelle zu dir sind 26km...

    Den Ultimaker hab ich jetzt seit über nen Monat und ich bin immer noch am Feineinstellen ^^

    Hatte 3 Wochen Urlaub und in denen ist der jeden Tag gelaufen...

    Seit ich wieder am Arbeiten bin (ca. 3 Wochen) und ich noch nebenbei ne kleine Nachtflugshow (Modellflug incl. kleines Feuerwerk) plane, die am 06.07. funktionieren soll, steht der Ultimaker leider...

    Heute muss er allerdings wieder dran glauben und nen kleinen Joda für den Sohn eines unserer Modellbauer drucken :)


  7. Ich klicke einfach oben rechts auf die "210C" und der Drucker wird auch aufgezeizt ohne irgendwas auszudrucken... (Cura 13.04)

    Wenn ich grade was slice und dann weiss, dass ich in spätestens 3 min eh wieder was drucke kann man dort auch z.B. 150°C einstellen, dann muss der Drucker nicht komplett von der Umgebungstemperatur wieder aufheizen.


  8. Thanks for your last posts! I tensioned the short belts and proofed the long belts again and now the gaps disappeared completely.

    But I have one problem that didn't disappear (printed out a new one after tensioning the belts): I printed a calibration tool for an old model helicopter (20 year old "Schlüter Magic") and the size should be 40x40x15mm... But when I measure the printed part the worst results in the middle of the object were 39,62x39,78x14,67mm

    With a difference to almost 0.4mm at all axes its not the best calibration tool in my opinion! Do somebody know from what this departure appears?


  9. I already tuned the long belts as shown in the video before my post... They sound exactly like them.

    First it wasn't possible to tighten it such strong but I installed some belt tensioner to do it.

    The only thing that can possible be are the short belts...

    Oh and thanks for the link... Sounds interesting! I'm about to read it!


  10. I created a simple alignment-tool for an 20 year old model-helicopter but I was not able to slice it...

    The person who created it has got the name "Schlüter" (was the very first person who ever has flown and built an model helicopter)...

    And so I named my alignment tool - "Schlüter Magic Einstell-Lehre.stl"...

    I just found out that the "ü" is making the problem at slicing.

    Is this a known problem?

    Best regards!


  11. Hi!

    At many prints I've got gaps between the first and the second wall or between the first wall and the filling (- it depends if i print with 0.4 or 0.8 wall).

    It's not that dramatic but it's the last step to perfect prints...

    Most of the time the first (sometimes the 1. to 5.) layer is perfect and after some time the gaps appear.

    Here are some pictures:


    I already added some axis end caps (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:54075) to reduce the free play at the axis, aligned the axis, tensioned the belts or tried prints at different temperatures (from 207 to 218°C).

    I even tried to set the diameter at Cura to 2.83...

    Nothing really helped to close the gaps.

    What can I try to avoid these gaps? Is this a problem at my config at Cura or do I have to search at the printer?


  12. Dankeschön!

    Kennst du dich ein bisschen mehr mit Cura aus?

    Wenn ich nämlich etwas ausdrucke, das eine dünne Wand hat (wie z.B. eine Pinzette) dann füllt mir Cura diese zwischen den Wänden nicht aus obwohl ich infill 100% ausgewählt habe!

    Das Bauteil wird dann richtig instabil!


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