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  1. Gr5 – Sounds like a very good plan of action. A superficial check of the wiring has revealed nothing broken or loose. I have printed a new enclosure for the print-head; so I was planning on taking it apart anyway and this will be a good time to clean and check everything. This alternative wiring that goes to the print head, I was puzzled about it during construction and I still am. Just what is the purpose of the alternative wiring? I like the boiling water test! And this may be a new use for the printer; when we are not printing we could make some tea! Thank you for your feedback, very helpful. SandervG - Yes, Ruth (my wife) said, “I’m sure going to miss Henry.” He was a good little bird; but think about it, he sang all those years and never once did he attract a mate! Yes, the blue light was on. What does that mean other than the signal cable disconnect? Yes, I did get error messages; something like ‘maxtemp’. This was early on, right after construction and during some of the test runs. I would turn the Ultimaker off and let everything cool down, check a few things and then give it another test run. I was able to correct a few problems and learn more of just how everything works on this marvelous little unit. It is quite a wonder! Thank you for your feedback. C – Well, in this case I wasn’t planning on going above 220. So, when I noticed the smoke and the smell, I first thought that the blue tape was reacting to the heated PLA. When I discovered that the tape wasn’t the problem, I then thought that the Acryllic Build Platform beneath the tape was somehow reacting to the heated PLA. That wasn’t the case either; the smoke flowing from the nozzle became visible when it hit the tape and Build Platform. And that is when I realized that the problem was in the print head itself. Also, it was then that I noticed that the aluminum block with the brass nozzle was sagging a little to the right. Flashing red lights and sirens, that’s a good idea; but, the reactions may still be like mine – What do I do? Safety, sooner or later will come to figure in the design of these units and redundancy is always the best and most successful route. Also, since we have a USB connection why not have a diagnostic program that could check all of the variables and provide a report with detected issues and suggestions on how to address them? Maybe down the road! Thank you for your feedback.
  2. Ultimaker and toxic fumes equals dead canary! So, do we now have to operate our Ultimakers under a hood? This morning when I was attempting to print another component for printer head upgrade, I noticed that smoke began to pour from the brass nozzle of the print head. I canceled the print and at the same time I noticed that the aluminum block with the brass nozzle was sagging a little to the right. I used my pallet knife to put slight pressure on the aluminum block and it freely came loose from the PEEK insulator. I turned the print head fan on, and the exhaust fan to remove any fumes and by this time, there were plenty! The print head is just hanging there with a temp reading that is slowing falling, after two hours it is around 86 degrees. About 20 minutes after the incident, I noticed that Henry (Sir Poop-a-lot) our 10 year old song bird in his cage with his feet in the air! What failed? Did the thermocouple fail? The reading never reached 220. Did the PEEK insulator that the brass nozzle screws into fail? I’ve had the temperature reach upwards of 350 before. What do I need to reorder? And should I get six of them? PS. Be sure to get a canary to keep in your print shop!
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