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Posts posted by verdonko

  1. Thanks!

    That will be helpful...I already have a black book for our laser engraver (same idea to record settings. However no where near as many as Ultimaker / Cura!)

    Two follow questions:

    1) I noticed on the <Start/End-GCode> tab that there are several lines for setting information...do i type that in, or does CURA generate that? And I noticed also that Gcode line M107 (start with fan off)...can I just remove this line? I have been starting prints, then having to go into Ulti-controller to start/set fan speed...I really would like the fan to come on automatically at a default or set speed. (yes I have the "enable cooling fan" checked)

    2) is there anyway to control the motors via the Ulti-controller? I want to be able to move the print head out of way and lower print bed.

    THANKS for the help and support! happily printing away in Vermont! -OV-



    Keep track of every setting. Whenever you save a gcode file the settings that you used get saved along with it at the end. You can later choose "file" "load profile from gcode" to see what settings you used at the time. Write down the most important settings: speed, temperature, layer height.

    I recommend you stick with .2mm layers for 99% of what you print. But vary speed and temperature often depending on your needs.

    Everytime you start a print have a notebook where the student must write down the date/time which gcode file was printed, color of filament, and a few details like the 3 parameters I mentioned above.


    I don't know if there is something that explains them. And they change when you start printing (tune menu).

    Don't mess with jerk. lol. It's fine as it is.

    In physics velocity is the change in position (derivative). Accel is change in velocity. Jerk is change in acceleration. But Everything is discreet in the software (not continuous) so jerk is always infinite at the vertex of every move (theoretically).

    So instead they created something called "jerk" but it's not jerk. It's a max delta velocity vector at the vertex.

    So if X velocity is 100mm/sec and y velocity is 0 and you hit a 90 degree corner at that speed, jerk would be considered to be sqrt(100^2+100^2) or 70.7mm/sec. Since max jerk is set to something like 10 or 20 mm/sec the X axis is instead slowed down to the speed =(max jerk*1.404). This is for 90 degree corners. for only slight angle change the UM doesn't slow down as much because the velocity change at the vertex is smaller.


  2. Hello All...my first post!

    As a new Ultimaker user and a high school engineering teacher we are excited to get our ultimaker making quality prototypes as soon as possible.

    TWO questions/requests for help:

    1) We want to experiment to get best prints. Which settings should we start with? Which settings should we keep track of? (thinking of creating a photo-log...list of settings + photo of print) Has anyone already done this?

    2) Ultimaker Controller...what are all the menu options? and what do they all mean? (i.e. Vxy-jerk ?!?) Is there a PDF out there for guiding us through the Ulti-Controller menus?

    Thanks in advanced for the great community and support! -Olaf


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