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Posts posted by fishpepper

  1. Hi!

    Oh sorry, it looks like i deleted my config during testing/playing around with 13.06 and 13.10 debugging the problem with infill directions.

    Unfortuantely i can not reconstruct my settings where i got that behaviour...

    I just reinstalled 13.11 and the problem does not seem to happen with my current settings.

    If i ever encounter them again, i will post the settings here. Thanks for looking into it!




  2. Oh sorry i made a mistake in my ordering, i swapped 3 and 4.

    what i see in your notation is:

    1) Cura prints a bit

    2) Cura retracts

    3) Cura moves to infill

    4) Cura pushes back from the retract at 2)

    5) Cura prints infill

    and now the bad part:

    6) Cura moves to the next (far away, parameter crossing) section


    The move from 5 to 6 is without retract. The behaviour i would expect is


    (= retraction only for the big move and not for the infill)


    So the detection when to retract goes wrong. If i set the minimum travel/extrusion values before retraction to

    very small values i get many retractions but at least it adds the right one between (5) and (6)


    I just found out 13.10 does not do it wrong, it starts with 13.11.

    You can observe it with this file:



    The first (5 or so) arm layers after the base are ok, then cura starts to show the wrong behaviour.





  3. Hi!

    I did some experiments. I think there is something going wrong....

    If i print the hollow calibration pyramid, the first layers where the arms start to be printed work fine,

    then cura changes to a strange behaviour:

    1) it prints one arm

    2) retracts (E=Eold - 4mm)

    3) prints a very small part from infill

    4) moves E=Eold

    5) moves to next arm position

    It should retract after the infill print?!

    I see the minimum extrusion kicking in, if i st that to 0.0 it retracts after 4 as well but i get a lot of retractions.

    Any clues?




  4. Hi!

    Thanks for your suggestions, i will try them tonight.

    To me it looks like there is some timing issue (?) with cura.

    The prints look really really bad compared to slic3r, even printing at 210°C in slic3r looks way

    better than 190°C in Cura (talking about stringing issues).

    To me it looks like cura times the retracion in a wrong way, it seems that the retractions happens "too late"

    -> i get strings when the head starts to move to a new position

    -> after reaching the new position i do not get enough material being pushed out resulting in not closed infill

    I will post pictures today from the tests i printed yesterday.

    Maybe i will dig into the produced gcode, mayber i get a clue what cura does differently.

    I might try older versions of cura to see if this helps.




  5. Hi!

    Thanks! That looks much better. However i still get some oozing...

    The same retraction (30mm/s, 4mm) for my kossel delta (bowden) work fine with slic3r.

    When i use cura (13.11) and the same settings i get a lot of strings.

    Even if i set it to 70mm/s 6mm it looks still bad.

    What does Cura differently than slic3r?

    Another thing i noticed with cura: At the continuation point after retraction i get a weak (incomplete) fill.

    Very strange... Any ideas?

    Too bad, i really like the way cura calculates its toolpaths :( I do not want to switch back to slic3r :-




  6. Hi!

    When cura changes the xy position while inside an object it does not seem to retract. Can i enable that somehow?

    The problem with the current behaviour is that the infill that gets printed over the stripes/dots caused during those moves results in an uneven finish :(




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