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  1. Thanks for all the quick response! @Daid: sorry, i didn't want to hurt your ears I just thought it would make it easier to get a quick overview... I'm not into the code of Cura... but i'd appreciate you saving this idea for a later time, when you have to touch the part of code anyway. Until then ... would it be senseful and is it possible to change the Controller-FW, so that tuning the fan speed over the menu is not allways overwritten by the next gcode setting, but to make it a percental tuning value for the gcode values over the whole rest of the print? This would give us a "manual" way to partly solve the solid/bridging problem. @gr5: Thank you for the link, i've read this before and agree that temp is the major factor, but, when printing solid parts that need to be as rigid as possible, high temp is important for best possible adhesion/merging of the layers, so because you can't change the temp rapidly while bridging, changing fan speed is the only way i see... @all: any other ideas to solve this?
  2. Hello Makers, Hello Daid ) I have a problem PRINTING SOLID THINGS THAT NEED BRIDGING. When printing solid parts low fan speed is essential for best adhesion ... well, thats pretty implemented in cura 13.11, THANKS A LOT !!! ... But when it comes to bridging quick cooling is important ... So, here my hopefully simple suggestion: WHY NOT IMPLEMENT A SETTING FOR THE FAN SPEED WHEN BRIDGING! Wouldn't this improve many results from the UM2 very much and could be implemented (almost) easily? Greetings to all makers! birdysign
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