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Everything posted by taskman

  1. Do you have documentation for the command line options somewhere? Does the engine use a config file by default to slice? I see when I ran the engine in a command prompt without key/values it still sliced without a problem. I assume it is looking for a config file somewhere by default
  2. Do I need to make a code change or just a setting on the engine? My C/C++ skills are non-existent. Closest I have to C skills are to develop on the Teensy 3 When I run the engine with -help I get this C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura_13.12>CuraEngine.exe -help Cura_SteamEngine version 13.12 usage: CuraEngine [-h] [-v] [-m 3x3matrix] [-s <settingkey>=<value>] -o <output.gcode> <model.stl> I tried this in the hopes that it would see I want an SVG output, but I see it generated gcode "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura_13.12\CuraEngine.exe" -o test.svg "herringbone 25.stl"
  3. Cool. I will have a look. Maybe I can just read the gcode and create an image from that like what I did for the milling software I wrote. I want to have the ability to have less than 100% infill like with FDM printers so this is where CuraEngine is going to shine. This guy wrote something, http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:40778, but I think it is in C# so it reduces the market. He also created his own basic slicer.
  4. Hi I have been looking around for a slicer to use for my DLP printer. I think I would like to use CuraEngine. Any chance of adding SVG export to it? CuraEngine seems to be extremely fast. I actually had to open the gcode file to make sure it actually did something. It only took 5 seconds to do what SkeinForge takes 15 minutes to do
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