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Posts posted by marinus

  1. Okay, this doesn't just happen in Cura 4.7.1 but it's what I'm using, hence the title.


    Anyway, I am printing on a DIY printer so I hope it's okay I'm posting here. I am using Cura though so I figured this would be the place to be.


    To explain my issue, I made a video:


    The holes always appear on the same spots in any model I'm printing, this rules out extruder problems since extruder problems will mostly be intermittent (assumption).


    I'm printing this in PLA with a 0.5mm nozzle, 0.3mm layer height, 0.465mm layer width.

    What I did:

    - flow calibration

    - retraction + temp + bridging calibration

    - all other calibrations that you could possibly think of (including E-steps/mm)


    I've been tuning the machine for two weeks now and I haven't been able to work this one out. I am able to produce somewhat okay results, even ordered new extruder gears but I think the ones I'm using now are great already.


    Another issue I'm having is that the top layer on the bottom of for example a vase doesn't adhere that well to the wall that is printed on top of it. Could this be an issue of too much cooling?


    I'm very familiar with building/hacking machines, but not with solving non-standard issues. Maybe it's an easy fix, I see that Cura has 'fill gaps between walls' options but I am not sure what it does. I already enabled that option but see no improvement. The holes on the bottom part that can be seen in the video are the most important for me to fix. I'm leaning towards maybe tuning retraction a bit to solve the holes but I'm not sure what to do exactly. I hope someone knows!


    Thanks for your time,



    I managed to improve the quality a little bit more by changing the retraction from 1.3mm to 1.1mm and retraction speed from 40 to 30mm/s. The prints still don't come out perfectly, but it's a lot better already. Still, I hope someone has tips for the holes especially in the first layer near the screw holes and the gaps in the sides that appear at the same spots.

  2. Okay, I am a bit ashamed. It turns out that my digital calipers are broken. I cannot reset it to zero anymore, causing all my measurements to be distorted and therefor the print being distorted and also me measuring the wrongly printed part with broken calipers. I just got out my analog calipers and apparently Cura is doing fine. Redesigned the part and now it prints in the correct ratio.


    Once again, sorry..

    • Like 1
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  3. Hi, so I'm having a problem with Cura 7.1 all of a sudden. It's that it somehow prints objects smaller than what it says it's going to be. I tested my machine to see if something is wrong with the firmware but it moves a solid 100mm when I tell it to through the USB connection using the laptop as a host.


    This is the model:


    Can it be that Cura is somehow producing a scaling error when generating the gcode? What kind of information can I share to find out what's the exact issue here?


    Thanks for your time. My browser is tripping out after adding in a picture so I hope it's readable when I post this topic.


    Screenshot 2020-10-22 at 19.22.52.png

  4. Hi, out of nowhere Cura 14.01 for Mac Os suddenly takes a minute to start.

    I have the newest Macbook Retina 15", no other programs are giving me any trouble, except Cura, since an hour ago. So it is not my Os/laptop that is giving me a problem.

    Before I've used Cura without any problems. I tried replacing the app with the downloaded backup, I tried to find out where the Cura variable are stored (I can't find them) because I think the software needs to be completely removed from my computer and reinstalled.

    Where can I find all the stored support files? When I search for either Cura or Ultimaker, it doesn't give me any hints on where to find the files and I have hidden files all visible in my Finder so that is not the problem.

    I would greatly appreciate the dev team to reply/explain how to troubleshoot whats going wrong. I cannot find any pointers in the system logs, and Cura itself, I can't find the log of the program so I can't find out why it's suddenly taking a minute to load while before it was almost instantly.

    - Marinus


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