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Posts posted by rachael

  1. It's a cooling issue. The right fan doesn't quite reach the right side of a small print. Printing multiple copies simultaneously can help as that will give the plastic more time to cool.

    Personally I'd suggest you try printing something else and see how that goes, the UM Robot isn't the best for printing to be honest.



    Would it be good to make some kind of duct to "carry" the airflow to the nozzle? I understand that right fan is more far from the nozzle, but i have also seen prints of this robot on UM2 that look perfect ?


    Thanks guys, I have been scanning some other threads regarding cooling and it seems that a duct/alternate fan set up may be the way to go.

    Here's the link if anyone is interested: http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/2839-the-physics-of-cooling/

    We are just printing a duct off now so I'll let you know how we get on.


  2. Hi Guys,

    We received our new Ultimaker 2 last week and have been having a few quality issues that I'm hoping someone might be able to help us with. We are new to 3D printing so apologies in advance for any obvious oversight!

    Our first print was an Ultimaker robot and we noticed that the print quality on the right side of the robot was noticeably worse than the left. The small details such as the ear area and hand were lumpy.

    We adjusted the print setting and tried a better quality print. Again, although the overall quality of the robot appeared to be better, the right hand side was still worse than the left. We tried to print a robot using the far right of the print bed to see if this made the whole robot worse but it was again localised to the right ear and hand areas and the rest of the robot was a comparable quality to the proceeding ones. We then flipped the robot around in Cura (facing backwards) to see if the error was translating the model to the print, however the issues remained on the right hand side of the print (the robot's left ear came out messed up that time - see robot 4)

    Can anyone suggest what may be causing this and what we can try to remedy it?

    Thanks in advance,




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