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  1. There is alot of retractions at around the 4 hour point, so you might be right about this. But how come i cannot get the filament to hit the top hole in the feeder box ?
  2. Now i took the little feeder box on the back apart. it seems to that the filament is slowly grinding away the plastic box.
  3. Actually, i even get new materiale in the printer now. When the wheel graps the fillament, I miss the hole in the top and doesnt make it to the tube. It is just jammed against the wall, and the motor is making a clicking noise trying to push the filament
  4. When i got back to work today and went to check on the printer, the fan was still running. but the printer has proberly been done for 12 hours.
  5. Hi I had my Um2 for a week now. I have been printing alot of smaller prints in colorfabb 3mm white. i then changed to faberdashery fire truck red, to print a 6 hour print. i have done the same print 3 times now, and every time it stops extuding after aprox. 4 hours. I can just remove the filament and insert it again to make it work. The filament will have a big chunk missing where the extruder wheel has been grinding away on the last 1-2hours of the print. i printing on following settings: Layer Height: 0,06 Shell thickness 0.8 Retraction on Bottom/ top Thickness 1 Fill density 100% Print speed 30 mm/s As for temperature i tried 210, 215 and 230, all the same result. I hope some one can help me best regards
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