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Everything posted by freebeastie

  1. Update for mine Ultimaker 2 works now fine with 14.03. Some maintenance need to do, seems occur the same time when i load new firmware.
  2. OK i try again.firmware to 14.03. My model is a raven. It try to print(if the buildplate is a clock) on 12 hour(where the Ultimaker 2 Chars are and the spindle of buildplate. Then i try again with 13.11. And its start print fine in the middle of the clock. The problem is too, it want with 14.03 run out of the buildplate with a power, i think it can damage the machine. Yesterday it bring the buildplate not up so print to the air. For me its very unstable and i cannot more testing.
  3. My System is Ubuntu.Is there a download fpor a deb 14.01.I see older versions only. The firmware 14.03 i did upload with win7.
  4. Hi Ultimaker 2 There must be some bug or more than one. With 14.03 i have a problem too. It looks like want to run out of the buildplate and models layers are different.(Crashs to the outside border like to have an order to drive out there) I did reload to 13.12 and it want to print fine. For example, the pic is a start of a lithophane(in .14.03) You can see the different layers. Other things are no buildplate temperature https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-eRySbjLtlOk/U0pGbj2gOLI/AAAAAAAAB3w/OtWeln5RaZY/w320-h240-no/13.04.14+-+1
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