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Posts posted by bawflinger

  1. I used in expert setting printing at .006, 50 speed, top/bottom hight .8/.09, infill 25% with retraction at standard. Thats before any clean up and was a prototype print. Final version was printed on my Form 1 but the Name plate (see image) was printed on the UM2 Ex in Clolorfab on the same settings and just rubbed down with 240 grit to 1200 grit paper wet. Fianl pieces were moulded and cold cast resin in Aluminium, brass and bronze. Now, to try out that build volume....



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  2. Turned up this afternoon and all is well. Lots of little refinements to the hardware and firmware that I can see. Seems to be a bit quieter and more refined during operation than my other two machines. Also came with a spare PTFE insulator and hot end, which is a new and welcome touch. Doing a full on 6 hour test print just now at .06 so looking forward to seeing the results.



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  3. Thanks! I tried the Atomic and it cleaned out a lot but still no joy. Gonna get it apart tomorrow and see what the score is. FYI, I did a first print at .25 and it seemed OK and I got a small part out, the fatal error is when I stupidly set it to .1and it didn't last past the first layer. Thanks for your help :-)


  4. I used Woodfill in my UM2 today for the first time and it printed fine on a small part but seems to have clogged my nozzle on the second. I extracted the wood fill and stuck in some standard UM gold to try and clear it. All I get is a few bubble of black liquid and it stops. Ive tried moving the UM filament up and down quite a bit but the blockage will not budge. Can anyone help? Am I facing a strip down? Never had to take this thing apart yet and not looking forward to it if I do.


  5. Hey, first post. Got my machine and been printing for a couple of weeks now. Had just started getting to grips with the full settings and today was printing at .6 happily. Update 14.07 came through, so I stuck it in and tried a test print. I Adjusted all the settings I was getting used to in full settings on a part, which before took 1.2 hrs to print at .6 and a speed of 50. Firstly, it was telling me it would print in 5 mins. So I tried that and it was like watching a mechanised tube of toothpaste moving around. Basically, as low a quality as you can ever get and the part failed. I tried every setting over and over, even re-starting the program and nothing seemed to get me out of low quality settings. Print time varied from 5 mins to 13 mins, so its adjusting something. In basic, its printing in high quality, but I really need the .6 for what I'm doing. Any ideas?


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