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Posts posted by lara-d

  1. Oh man! My Y-axis is loose.

    It can shift in it's socket.

    This didn't happen before and I can only seem to find instructions that apply on the Ultimaker2.

    When screwing off the endcap of the axis rod you can easily see the distance.

    During prints you can hear a sudden 'THUNK' and the entire print is shifted by a small offset.

    The kit was pre-assembled and as far as I know the encasing is still as tight as can be...

    I filmed the movement in the rod as well as the distance visible inside the bearing.



    Any help would be really welcome!

    Greets, Lara


  2. It's almost guaranteed to be that part. It breaks a lot.

    But you could look at the voltage to the base (probably the middle pin). If you have a volt meter then it should be at around .7V when fan is 100% and 0V when fan is set to 0%. If that's working then it's pretty much the transistor that's broken. Although the transistor may be killing that signal also so it's not definitive until you remove the part. With Q4 removed you should see 0V when fan is off and 5V when fan is on.


    I just checked with the transistor at Q4 still in place.

    Indeed the middle pin gives off .7v when the fan is at 100% and 0 or nearly 0 when at 0%

    The next question is, will I void my warranty if I somehow mess up soldering?

    I have a few prints due the end of august and I worry that sending the printer back for repairs will take too long, so soldering it is...

    Thanks for all the help so far actually!


  3. @ |Robert|

    Thanks for the reply.

    I just traced back the printer fan cable to the connection on the print board, and it is indeed in the right socket.

    The fan problem has been apparent ever since we received the printer.

    (But it wasn't apparent as a problem because I only recently found out the fan should actually respond to changing the fan speed setting.)

    Assuming the driving transistor has blown, what is the next step or go to?



  4. Ok, I've been browsing and searching through the forum for a while now.

    First I assumed it was business as usual that the cooling fan on our preassembled ultimaker original was always on at full speed.

    After reading that large prints were best left uncooled at first to avoid warping I tried to alter the fanspeed through the tune menu whilst printing.

    The Cura setting had always been set to be slower at first, building up to 100% at 0.5 mm height.

    No luck adjusting it manually.

    This got me quite worried.

    Just now I tried some prints where I've told Cura, the new version 14.07, to slow the fan down at first.

    Still, the fan is at 100 percent (or so I think) all the time.

    From the moment I turn the entire machine on, to the moment I start printing.

    Am I overlooking something?

    For details, the Ultimaker came preassembled about a month or two ago, has an Ulticontroller, works fine otherwise... I think.

    I always use the SD to control the Ultimaker but have updated the firmware the first time I connected to the Ultimaker with a laptop.

    I'm worried something is wrong as is, what should I do?

    Thanks so much.

    Greets, Lara D


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