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Posts posted by rfw7759

  1. Hey Guys!

    Ill get straight to the point, My Y-Axis shaft seems to be loose Ill post the pic at bottom. When the motor makes quick movement the shaft which is visible on the outside of the Ultimaker 2 moves back and forward slightly jarring my prints and causing issues I'm wondering the correct way to tighten them. I've have my UM2 for about 4 months so its relatively new and I didn't have this issue until recently! I would really appreciate the help!

    thanks guys!

    Ron :)



  2. Hey Guys I'm new to the Ultimaker forums and have a question! :)

    First off love the printer, but as everybody already knows 3d printing takes patience.

    I've recently had the issue with my printer where the hot end has been pushing into my model mostly at the final layers but can even end up shaking the model in some areas. also the hot end will push into the model causing melting on fine detail smudging them.

    I've tried re calibrating multiple times getting the layer height perfect but still seems to pinch the nozzle head and print cause the bed to even jiggle slightly while printing.

    I would love if anyone had any similar problems or solutions to this problem! thanks



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