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Posts posted by magnusrm

  1. hi.

    thanks for your reply.

    I have also measured the voltage at the motherboard, and its the same there.


    I notice that there is an empty connector marked "FAN" at the board. This has constant 24V on it (no matter fan speed). The yellow / green wire doesnt fit, but could it be used as an option? I guess the fan would be at 100% all the time.



  2. Hi.

    Just to update this.

    Since ultimaker support took so long to answer me (many weeks), I tried to install some fans with identical specs. Since the wires were torn off, I had to solder them on.

    This didnt work, and I thought there was some bad connection etc, so I purchased a set of new fans and wires from ultimaker, which cost 72 Euro! A set of wires and two 1 euro fans with an ultimaker logo! However, I couldnt have a dysfunctional 3D printer, so I thought this was the only option. The whole purchasing process took about 2-3 months (they shipped the parts 2 months after receiving paypal payment).

    The new fans and wires are installed, and the fans are still not working.

    Im measuring 2.25 V on them when the fan speed is at 100%.

    This process is the worst customer service I have ever encountered, and I must say Im really disappointed. When you have spent so much on a 3D-printer I would expect that they could send some wires for free and actually reply within normal time.

    Any tips on how to get the fans running again?

  3. Hi.

    I had a crash with the Ultimaker 2, which ruined both the fans. I ordered a set of fans from eBay since the support took so long to reply to my mail.

    The fans were 30 x 30 x 10mm 12v 0,08A, the same as the ones that came with the Ultimaker 2:


    Ive tried to connect them, but they dont start (I have made sure the fan speed is at 100%, and testet different speeds).

    I have also measured the voltage to be about 19 V, but still no movement.

    I dont have any power source that I could test the fans with at the moment.

    I also may add that the original fan wires that runs along side the feed tube is absolutely garbage. Thin as a hair.

    Have anyone else encountered problems with un-original fans?


  4. My ultimaker 2 wrecked itself over the night. It seems like it has stuck to the part or somehow crashed into it, breaking it off from the build plate and pushing it around.

    Has anyone experienced anything similar? How did it happen, and what can I do to prevent it? I cant find replacement parts in the store, any tips?

    I have used cura 14.09, and printed similar designs earlier without problems.

    thank you



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