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  1. Thanks, no new methods of slicing here, maybe I just remember it wrong. Is there anywhere to access the different speeds: innfill/ perimeter etc.
  2. Does installing this Beta modify something on the "official" version if this is installed on the same machine? - I am printing something sliced with 15.04, and I feel that the infills gets printet much faster than before, to the point that the extruding cant extrude fast enough, so the infills gets a bitt splattery.
  3. Hi, I just downloaded the beta version to see of the support "issues" from the official version was fixed. And I was happy to see that an object that I could not get proper support material on 15.04 worked perfect on the beta. However, it seems to me that the program does an autoscale when importing objects that does not fit the buildplate, I have an object that I need to rotate to make it fit, I was a bit puzzled when the object was smaller then the original size when the print was finished. I tried to search for some setting that said "auto fit", but could not find it. If this is the case, one should at least get a warning.
  4. Here is another example on failure when generating support structure Clearly there should have been som support under the cylinders floating above the platform.
  5. On the big object, I think its right over 2mm, on the smaller there is a range from 2-5 mm I think. But I have tried on some other objects too, and get the same result, with missing support structure where it should have generated. I will prepare some more examples in i minute.
  6. I am using Cura 14.09 - the problem is that Cura is not making support structures where it needs to. I have tried all kinds of settings. As far as I see, this is an issue with the software..
  7. I am having troubles getting Cura to generate support structures on some small overhangs near the buildplate. Its almost a bit random, on the testpieces on the left of the pictures, I was testing if the height from buildplate had any infuence, so the objects have different heights on the overhangs, as you can see two of the objects are missing support completely. (the pictures show different slice heights) -Tom
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