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Everything posted by subwaydude

  1. Okay, and what about the watch it self? If you go on thingiverse and go to thingiview and rotate down to the bottom, the watch has a sort of circular charger at the bottom and when i tried to print it, the printrbot would print the charger perfectly but then it wouldnt print the watch because it dosent have a support to go on. Any ideas?
  2. Hi, Im new to Cura and the World of 3D Printing (Which is awesome by the way!) and I have a few problems with Cura and a model that Im hoping any of you could help me with. I found this "Apple Watch Model" on Thingiverse and downloaded the bracelet part and put it in Cura. Now, the model is inclined and Im trying to force it down flat on the platform, but all that does is just make the model go haywire and it can not go back to its inclined position. My Printrbot can not print the model this way, and nethier can it print the watch it self. Can anybody please help me? This is the Link: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:486608/#files
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