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Posts posted by troed

  1. 8th Jan, 2014:

    "Both Ultimakers are upgradable. Ultimaker O receives updates and Ultimaker 2 will go dual extrusion soon!Do you have more Q? :)"


    Yes, I have one. How much money will Ultimaker give back to me now? (Having received my UM2 two weeks ago, specifically choosing to buy UM2 because of the promised dual extrusion upgrade)

    Oh and stop it with the "hit'n'print" propaganda. When I got my UM2 following your manual strictly the boot up wizard was a micrometer from scratching the glass and I had to learn how to do cold pulls the first thing since your test print had clogged the print head.


  2. I assume you got a roll of ultimaker PLA with your printer? did you try it ? could very well be poor fillament...

    Make sure your bed is clean, just wash it under warm water with soap, make sure to remove all soap under plenty of water, make sure it's dry before reinstalling, don't ever touch the glass with your hands. When printing PLA at a bed temp of 60 celcius you don't need glue.


    The same test with the supplied clear plastic PLA from Ultimaker generated a successful cylinder, with some hints of slight underextrusion regularly at 10mm. I was already happy with the above purple test since the fail had other causes than underextrusion though.

    (Regarding getting prints to stick unfortunately it doesn't matter if I use a spotless glass plate or glue - but that's for another thread.)


  3. Extrusion cylinder test, Ultimaker 2 received last week. The PLA used is by Velleman, bought from kjell.com in Sweden.

    As far as I've been able to understand the comments in this thread, I probably* don't have any extrusion problems. The fail is (?) because of the layer not sticking to the one under it.

    The famous extrusion tube


    Slight inward bulge at the layers just on top of the bottom layer


    Closeup of what failed, layer stickiness


    The second image shows the inward bending of the layers just on top of the bottom.


    *) I do have print failures - not a single successful print done so far. Even when using glue the prints comes loose off the build plate.


  4. I have an UM2 which is about a month old. Since day one every now and then the text on the LCD display quickly moves sideways and then comes back. It happens very quickly but clearly the text shifts by several millimeter and then goes back.

    It does not happen very often, probably every few minutes. But often enough that I keep noticing it.

    Is this normal? As I said it has been happening from the day one. Apart from this the printer works fine.

    FWIW, I got my UM2 two days ago and have seen the same thing since the start.



  5. Hey,

    First your Bowden Tube is probably stuck because the expanded plastic is stuck in the teflon piece, If you heat the nozzle up to 220/260, you should be able to pull the tube up.

    Go to maintanence - advanced - and heat up nozzle

    Second, If your plastic is clogged, before taking it apart, I would try the atomic method. Just google atomic method ultimaker.

    Hope that helps a bit

    Indeed it did! Heating up the nozzle made the bowden tube come out without problems. Next up the feeder had ground down the filament completely and I had to help by pulling manually to remove it.

    I then did four atomic cleanings of the nozzle before I got the desired nice cone without contamination.

    Many thanks for the tips - I'm now somewhat further to make my first print without problems.

    (The issues I still have are better served in another thread)



  6. Hi all,

    Yesterday I received my Ultimaker 2 and today, after some outside-of-the-manual investigation needed to correctly level the print bed, I tried to make my first print.

    At first try (following the wizard) nothing was extruded from the nozzle at all after having loaded the filament. The feeder was ticking constantly but even with a slight manual push nothing appeared when the guide said I should wait for it to do. I switched the printer off/on and re-did everything in the wizard and this time blue plastic (from the factory test print) was extruded followed by the clear PLA I used (what came with the Ultimaker).

    However, it didn't manage to print. The plastic crept/curled up the side of the nozzle instead of flowing straight down. After having tried adding glue (hey, it's my first 3D printer - I followed the manual) I googled and the symptoms are those of a clogged nozzle.

    At this time I went back to the manual which suggested to clear the blockage by printing at 260 degrees for 10 minutes. And indeed - in the beginning it seems the plastic flowed a lot better and I had my hopes up this would work.

    Then suddenly nothing flowed at all.

    After having aborted that print a few minutes in and switching back to regular temperatures nothing was extruded, at all. Again turning to google (and some links to this forum) it would seem the PLA has expanded due to heat and is now completely clogged up. Additionally, the bowden tube is also stuck - after removing the horseshoe and pushing down on the white plastic ring I can move it a millimeter or two up and down at max.

    I bought the Ultimaker 2 because I didn't want to having to constantly rebuild my printer - but it seems as if the situation I'm requires me to completely disassemble the print head the first thing I do. Before I've even been able to lay down the first layer of a print.

    Please direct me to a as noob-friendly as possible guide to what I need to do now. I've been unable to find something that makes me confident that I'm doing the right thing - partly because of lack of pictures and terminology that I haven't had the chance to learn yet.

    Thanks in advance. So far I'm less than happy with my purchase :/


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