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Posts posted by gonras

  1. Could it be that it are rounding errors? When using 100% infill it needs to align the nozzle (which is 0.4mm) into that open area. My feeling is that since the area that needs to be filled is not a multiple of 0.4. Usually you don't need to worry about your object beeing multiples of 0.4mm since a head move is more exact.


    I have everything in a multiple of 0.4mm :-)

    I guess I will just let it be...

  2. Hello everyone,

    I have a problem with one of my prints and I hope you can halp me out.

    I try to print somthing and I got the first and last 6 layers 100% infill, everything else 0% and one outside layer. Prints like that worked before, but for this one it does not... I have made a bunch of pictures and hopfully you will understand the problem:

    In Cura everything looks fine.

    Glas bed temp

    First layer:


    Third layer:


    And a layer in between bottom and top:


    I made the Part so that everything is a multiple of the nozle size, but in this specific problem it shoulnd matter anyways.

    The problem is that the infill does not want to touch the outdisde layer on one side. before anyone says it is a belt problem :-) I have no such problems in any other print before. And I also tried different fillament suppliers.

    Here is the first layer with two different infill types. Concentric:


    Line infill:


    Overview of the bottom side of the part:

    The thick side on the bottom is distorted, but the thin side is not...


    Thick side photo was hard to make, sorry.


    Top view of thick side:


    In comparison the perfect thin side without any distortion:


    The infill on the top does not show such evil effects.

    Does anyone know how to help me here?

    Thank you very very much in advance!


  3. Hallo,

    ich habe gerade meinen UO+ zusammengebaut und er funktioniert auch eigendlich sehr gut, doch leider nicht am Druckanfang. Das Plastik kommt immer erst so in der zweiten Schicht richtig raus. Davor kommt so gut wie nichts raus.

    Kennt jemand das Problem und/oder kann mir jemand helfen es zu beheben?

    Vielen Dank!



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