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Everything posted by procrash

  1. Well I used that, also tried it with dishwasher solution. But the original sticking out of the box never came back. I didn't use scratchers or anything rough to remove my prints
  2. Hi, I just received a couple of weeks ago my new UM2 Extended and I must say I'm very impressed. The glass which was delivered with the heated bed held the parts in place like a charm and seemed to be dead flat compared to my other 3d printer. Nevertheless that stickness seemed to be lost now for a reason which I haven't been able yet to tackle down. Has the glass on the heated bed a special coating applied which might have been rubbed off during cleaning? The parts always used to stick on the glass and I haven't been able to pull them off until I was soaking the glass in cold water together with my 3d printed part. Then it popped off out of a sudden. What can I do to get this impressive behavior back?
  3. Ich bin bereits bei 80 Pfund. Also viel bräuchten wir dann wohl nicht mehr.
  4. Shipping würde 14 Pfund kosten. Da der Pfund Kurs momentan halt leider sehr hoch ist ist es nicht günstig. Wo müsste das Filament denn innerhalb Deutschlands hin? Schau dich dochmal im Webshop bei denen um. Ich käme momentan so auf 3 Filamentrollen. Hätte auch noch direkt Kontakte vor Ort die das dann weiterleiten könnten aber 9.40 Pfund vs 14 Pfund macht das Kraut dann auch nicht mehr fett. Und wenn man sich den Versand aufteilt und dann günstig weiterverschickt sollte das doch auch gehen...
  5. Hallo, ich habe demnächst vor mal das Fabdashery Filament aus UK am UM2 auszuprobieren und würde deshalb gerne bestellen. Ich selbst komme aus dem Raum München. Meine Idee wäre die Versandkosten aus UK gemeinsam aufzuteilen und dann wenn weiterverschickt werden sollte die Kosten natürlich dann entsprechend bei demjenigen draufzuaddieren und das Filament dann zu verschicken. Alternativ kann es auch abgeholt werden. Bestände da Interesse?
  6. Do you maybe have a phone number for me?
  7. It's a little bit odd but I originally ordered and paid for an ultimaker 2 via paypal Now I heard that they announced at ces a bigger model and as I'd like to have that I'd like to change my order though as the printer does not urge. Haven't heard from them yet so far....
  8. Hi, as I've currently ordered an Ultimaker 2 Extended I'd like to ask you guys about the reaction time of the support as they have not responded now for almost a week. I don't know if this is because the official order can be done just in March or if it has to do in general that the guys are just busy and it takes a little bit longer. What is your experience concerning support reaction time with Ultimaker? Are they ok and responsive or is it a mess to get in touch with them?
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