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Posts posted by acreus

  1. I updated the firmware and panicked because my printer wouldn't turn on. When I try to turn on the printer, only the little fan would turn on, but nothing else. So I tried to update the firmware either way as if it was on, and miraculously the printer turned back on. What a relief! now theres another issue now. When I try to print some of my old files that i saved on my sd card, this pops up : "This file will override machine setting with setting from the slicer"

    When i clicked continue, the heat bed doesn't turn on.

    Only newly saved Gcode models will print like normal. What happened to the Gcode recently?

  2. Hey everyone!

    I have an Ultimaker V1 and I absolutely love it. I do however have some difficulties with the settings to get my prints to come out better when I print object with a cone like tip.

    Basically, whenever any of my designs have a cone like tip on top, it prints it like a blob or bulge. The rest of the print looks great.

    My settings:

    Layer Height: 0.1

    Shell thickness: 0.8

    Bottom thickness: 2

    Fill density: 30%

    Print Speed: 45 mm/s

    Printing Temperature ©: 235

    Flow rate: 100%

    It seems like whenever the machine begins to make really small circles, squares, or any shape thats small, it moves too fast for the filament coming out to stick to the model.

    Can I slow this down without making changes to the rest of the model?

    Here's what it looks like:

    Ultimaker traffic cone


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