Hi all,
Maybe you can help me.
Over the past few weeks / month our U2 has lost its mojo, and prints are looking pretty poor quality :(
I got a print done on a friends U2 and it was flawless, which makes me think mine has been on a downward path for a while now. Well, I cannot accept it anymore!
I used grease and all axis move freely, and the z axis the same. no dry spots, I can move the head around freely with a few finders, and the bed simply up and down with two hands!
My belts don't appear to be any looser or worn than those on the other (newer) machine I tried today.
I did think some of the issues were extrusion, I took apart the extruder and cleaned it all out. The knurled gear thing was fine. I have run the same print several times with different adjustments to the tension but all seem to print OK till I commit to an actual part and then it may under extrude. one print in particular repeatedly failed yesterday.
Any suggestions / requests for more info??