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Posts posted by trevm

  1. A big problem that is seldom recognized in the 3D world is productizeation. Making a design easily and quickly printable.

    I can print it, change it, re-print it to get it to perfection on my machine with my preferred tool set. But there is no guarantee at all that it will print on a different machine or with a different tool set.

    As you can see from the original photos, I had it printing and working with steel metric nuts and bolts from M6 upwards, but it only just worked for you.

    Here in this forum you have commonality of printers (to a greater extent than most), and you have a shared tool set (in this case Cura), all supplied by Ultimaker.

    What you have done as a community is to take a design that 'just about works' on your system, take it apart, discuss it, improve it and republish it.

    Not only that, you then had the courtesy to inform the original creator, which made him very happy.

    This is exactly what the 3D print community is all about.


    Excellent job, very well done.


  2. Hi Guys,

    I am TrevM, full name Trevor Moseley.

    Krys: Thank you very much for introducing me to this thread.

    All: I very much enjoyed reading all your comments, it is really nice to see that someone is using the lib.

    You were wondering about my printer:

    My printer is a RepRap Metric Mendel Prusa. I built it from plans off RepRap wiki, sourcing basic parts from EBay, Farnell etc. Did everything 'on the cheap', whole printer cost less than £250. I am still not sure how it compares on print quality.

    My first task was to build a winch for our washing line. I was disappointed to not find a way of creating threads.

    So I created the lib, my first ever attempt at anything in OpenSCAD, then got on with the winch and as an after thought, put the lib on Thingiverse. I didn't think it was much more than just functional and was more than shocked by the interest in it.

    I then did the winch, it handles a fully loaded 50 foot washing line with ease and has been in constant use now for 3 years mounted outside in all weathers.

    There were various comments concerning lib render (lack of) speed.

    I tried lots of different methods before I finally found 1 that seemed to make massive increases in speed and that is what I published as 'updated', but it sounds like errors crept in and I didn't notice.

    I see statistics on general viewing and downloading on Thingiverse, but seeing this forum was quite an eye opener.

    Again, many thanks.

    Have Fun :-)


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