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Posts posted by kaymick8

  1. Hi everyone,


    This is my first post. I just received my UM2 recently. Setup was fine until I printed my first test print. Please see attached photo. I contacted UM support two times by email but they haven't replied yet and I need to start my projects asap.

    IMG 7274

    I checked the forum and I found someone with a very similar problem.


    "When homing, the printhead is stumbling in x direction with a "buzzing" noise and stops with the error message "...x or y switch broken..."."


    What could be the problem?

    1. Should I check the pulleys again and tightened them more?

    2. Should I bend the metal actuator of the limit switch more?

    3. Should I ask for replacement parts? If so, which part? Motor, pulley or a new UM2?

    4. Other suggestions?


    Thanks for your help in advance,




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