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Everything posted by jkirgis

  1. Not per se. Like @jkirgis says: It is always when doing waffle fills on empty spaces. I suspect the plastic tends to sag a bit at the crossings and starts to form a point upward, which after a while causes the bouncing. you've got it exactly.......now my question is how to fix it? The most I've come up with is ocassionally pausing it and trimmimng down the peaks, its a total pain but I just want to get to the end of this print. In the future, is there something I can do to avoid this issue?Design? print settings? Keep in mind that I'm a novice and have only been printing for two weeks...
  2. I am experiencing this "judder" when there is alot of the waffle fill and the intersections of the lines cause a slight bump. My question is whether its safe to continue printing or if the juddering will damage my printer in some way. Also, I would like to know if there is a way to reduce the build up in those intersections.
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