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Posts posted by jjl71194

  1. Hi I've been having a problem with my UM2 recently where the bowden extruder will stop pushing filament through the tube and instead just grind down the filament. I've tried using the atomic method to clean the nozzle and it came out clean. I've opened up the bowden extruder and cleaned out any plastic scraps there. The spring in the bowden extruder is at the lowest tension. The printer will print fine for one print after cleaning out the bowden extruder and using the atomic method, then it will go back to grinding instead of extruding filament for the next print. I print using both ABS and PLA. Can anyone help me fix this? Thanks.

  2. I printed on the makerbot with 110 C bed and 230 C extruder and on the ultimaker I used 105 C bed and 240 C extruder unenclosed. Both were printed at .3 mm thickness and about 60 to 70 mm/s speed. As a rule of thumb I use higher infill percent for a stronger part so I assumed that a part filled completely would have take more to break than a part only 15% filled in. I was just confused why the 15% infill part the makerbot put out was harder to break than the 100% infill ultimaker part.

  3. Hi guys,

    I've been printing a model that needs to withstand as much force as possible. However, it seems the Ultimaker 2 puts out weak parts in general. I printed out the same model with a Replicator 2X and with the ultimaker and the model the 2X put out is way stronger at 2 shell 15% infill than the ultimaker's at 2 shell 100% infill. Why does the ultimaker's model which is a completely solid piece piece of plastic so much weaker than the 2X's model? I use ABS for all my prints. Is it possible that the Replicator filament is just a stronger abs than the Ultimaker filament or is there another issue here? I got 2.85mm black ABS from 3dUniverse for the ultimaker and 1.75mm makerbot black ABS for the 2X. Thanks

  4. Hey guys,

    I've been doing some printing and my model has some overhanging parts that require supports to be built first, but when its starts printing the overhanging parts on the supports, the plastic starts to sag into the support holes and the layers don't stick together well. It causes rough surfaces where you can see each individual layer and none of the layers are in a straight line. Is there any way to avoid this? Thanks

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