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Everything posted by sjogren

  1. I thought this version worked very well for me but now I have almost the same error message! Version: 15.06.03 Platform: Windows-8-6.2.9200 Qt: 5.4.1 PyQt: 5.4.1 Exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "cura_app.py", line 9, in File "c:\dev\uranium\UM\Application.py", line 329, in getInstance File "c:\dev\cura\cura\CuraApplication.py", line 56, in __init__ File "c:\dev\uranium\UM\Qt\QtApplication.py", line 48, in __init__ File "c:\dev\uranium\UM\Application.py", line 67, in __init__ File "c:\dev\uranium\UM\Preferences.py", line 56, in readFromFile File "c:\dev\uranium\UM\Preferences.py", line 124, in _loadFile File "c:\dev\python34\lib\configparser.py", line 937, in __getitem__ KeyError: 'general' Is there anything that can help, which preferences file are nallath talking about to remove? sorry, need to ask... /Niklas
  2. Thanks a lot... Maybe I'm thinking too much, but it helps me limit what I need to keep track of when troubleshooting! /Niklas
  3. Thank you, does it work in a similar way with the other settings like the temperature, fan speed and diameter too! /Niklas
  4. Hello, a thought I do not really find the answers to! What settings apply, for example if I set the flow at 105% in Cura and 110% on the machine, which applies and how should I think about Cura vs machine? /Niklas
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