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  1. Hello I print PLA on glass. I first clean the glass with water, then I use window cleaner and finally provide a thin layer of 3D Lac. This procedure provides superb adhesion and fine surfaces, but unfortunately sometimes objects are stuck on the glass plate. An easy method to release them from the glass is using ice spray: After cooling down the object and the glass surrounding it, you will hear a crackling noise and the object almost falls off the plate. You can then reuse the glass plate without the need to go through the cleaning procedure again. Regards Andreas
  2. Thank you for your great input. Btw I use the Olssen Block (Great!) with the 0.4mm nozzle and the Alternate UM2 Feeder from iRobertl (Superb!). How can I change nozzle size and per-layer-speed in Cura? Regards Andreas
  3. Thank you very much for your response. I checked in Cura and the object does not consist of multiple parts. After increasing the infill overlap to 20% print got better, but still weak between the bottom part and the upper part. What is a good recommended value for the infill overlap? Regards Andreas
  4. Hi There I engineer, produce and sell 3D printed parts for aquarists and fish breeders. Check-out my website if you are interested: https://www.fishgimmicks.com. I am currently working on an overflow comb used by aquarists to separate compartments of a tank. The idea is that my customers can order tailor-made overflow combs in different sizes, different mesh and even have a slogan or their name printed on it. As you can see from the pictures, the area where the solid part meets the mesh is not solid and is too easily falling apart. Any ideas how I can change the design to avoid the issue respectively the slicing parameters or settings of the printer? Object is designed with OpenCAD. I sliced it flat using Cura with the following settings: Layer thickness: 0.1mm shell thickness= 1.6mm infill=100% speed=50mm/s I printed with ProFill PLA at 210 Degree Celsius. You help or ideas are much appreciated! Regards Andreas
  5. Hi There thank you very much for your valuable input. I have redesigned the part and added a fat chamfer. Printing now with a shell of 1.6mm and a bottom/top thickness of 1.2mm. Best Regards Andreas
  6. Hello Makers! I am a producer of 3D printed gadgets for fish tanks. Right now I am working on a feeder for seahorses. I construct in Sketchup, slice with Cura and print on an Ultimaker 2 with PLA. The print was sliced with default "High Quality" setting, support touching buildplate and infill of 40%. Unfortunately the 4 pieces (which are meant to hold an acrylic tube) are not very firmly attached to the surface and with little force break (just broke one when I removed the support). Any idea how I could improve this?
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