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Posts posted by laughingrice

  1. The motor doesn't make any noise, I can raise it all the way up when it's off. I can also force the step motor to rotate and get the bed all the way up and the print goes fine (that makes bad noises though).

    I just ran into the same problem with a second ultimaker 2 after trying to run the same print, which makes me wonder if CURA is not putting something weird into the file and messing things up. I tried another print from the SD card though and that doesn't resolve the problem


    That sounds really bad. When it doesn't reach the top the motor did 'sound' or it just stop?

    Also with the printer off, can you raise the bed (grip it from the bottom two hands) to the correct position or manually you encounter 'something' blocking it?


  2. I recently had a weird problem arise, the print bed won't go all the way up, and rather stops about an inch bellow the correct level.

    I tried turning the printer off and on, running bed calibration, resetting device settings and reinstalling the firmware but nothing seems to help.

    There doesn't seem to be anything loose that I can detect and the bed height seems pretty consistent, just wrong. If I brute force it after the print starts it finishes correctly.

    Any ideas?


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