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Posts posted by atooltoscream

  1. I've been testing a model in Cura just to see how long it will take to print and how much filament.  I have been having a weird issue though.

    When I have rafts enabled, the top layer(s) doesn't show up in layer view.

    With raft disabled, everything looks peachy.

    I haven't had a chance to try printing the model yet.  Is this just a weird visual bug/glitch?

    See pics below




    I tried printing the file with the raft and it printed just fine. As far as I can see, it's just a visual bug.

    Printed with Hatchbox Wood filament





  2. @atooltoscream

    Sorry, but can you share some more informations?

    - Which printer profile do you use within Cura?

    - How does your start gcode looks like?

    A short google search found this example profile for the Micro 3D

    ...and the Airwolf FAQ mentions a "recommended profile" for Cura "provided on the USB drive received with your printer"...

    Have you tried this already?

    Anyway... it's just my personal thought, but i assume the Cura developers can only make a guess about your printer(s). Perhaps the linked sites are a better place to ask...?


    Thanks for the response. For my M3D I'm using the example profile that you linked. For the Airwolf, I set Cura up per their instructions in the user manual. I loaded the ABS profile from the Airwolf USB drive and the only things I changed were certain parameters (fill, shells, etc.). I didn't change anything about the Start/End G-code.

    My workaround so far has been to print everything with a raft or brim so the printer is laying down filament by the time it gets to the actual part. I'll paste the G-code start below:

    M190 S115.000000

    M109 S240.000000

    ;Sliced at: Mon 07-12-2015 16:49:52

    ;Basic settings: Layer height: 0.3 Walls: 1 Fill: 0

    ;Print time: 6 hours 49 minutes

    ;Filament used: 15.87m 125.0g

    ;Filament cost: None

    ;M190 S115 ;Uncomment to add your own bed temperature line

    ;M109 S240 ;Uncomment to add your own temperature line


    G90 ;absolute positioning

    G21 ;metric values

    M107 ;start with the fan off

    G1 Z15.0 F9000 ;move the platform down 15mm

    G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length

    G1 F200 E3 ;extrude 3mm of feed stock

    G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again

    G1 F9000

    M42 P6 S255

    ;Put printing message on LCD screen

    M117 HD Printing...

  3. I have a 3d printer at home (M3D) and we just got an Airwolf HD2x where I work.

    I use Cura for slicing and gcode creation in both cases, 15.04 for my printer and 15.04.3 for our work printer. My question is, why do my parts perform a gradual approach when a print starts? What I mean is, the print head will start along the path of the first bead but it will take anywhere from a few mm of travel to a few inches of travel before the print head is close enough to the surface to start laying down filament. So basically, my prints have a line of missing material.

    Is there a setting in Cura that makes it behave this way?

    Thank you so much

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