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Posts posted by softysoft

  1. Merci de ta réponse.

    Comment reconnaître si le PTFE est mort ? il ne parait pas déformé ! J'ai lu sur les forums qu'un PTFE avait une durée de vie de plusieurs centaine d'heures. Or mon UM2 a moins de 100 heures de travail (j'estime à 80 heures).

    Faut-il conclure que si la matière ne sort pas de la buse, on fait un "nettoyage atomic", et si le problème persiste, on change le PTFE ? cela me parait difficile de démonter la tête toutes les 80 heures !

    C'est le support de Makershop qui m'a dit qu'il fallait changer le PTFE.

  2. Hi,

    I have problems with the feeder: after a while, no material comes out of the nozzle. The filament is no more driven by the feeder. As suggested, I made atomic method, I cut the damaged filament each time I get this problem.

    The vendor's support department  told me the problem comes from the PTFE coupler.

    I would like to know if such a PTFE coupler needs to be changed; it does not appear distorted:


    My UM2 is new, and has worked during only  80 hours.

    Moreover, this problem appeared after a few hours of work, when the PTFE was quite new.

    Thanks for answer.


  3. the first prints I did (with PLA) are very smooth when I touch the surface. After few days (the first filament coil not half consumed) I begin to get under extrusion problems: nothing printed, or only a part of the printing.

    I made several "atomic method" in order to clean the nozzle, also, I tightened the filament feeder, and now, the filament coming out of the nozzle seems to be very thick: when the print is finished, the surface is not smooth: with my nail, I can move some filaments on the surface of the print,

    Please see this video: http://www.softysoft.fr/_3dprint_problem.mp4

    Thanks for help.

    Best regards

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