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Posts posted by juanalvarado

  1. A shift usually indicates a loose pulley, check all, tighten the screws including the ones on your x/y motor.

    You need to allign the axis again if you had a loose pully, there's a chapter in this upgrade manual on how to do this... but you need two small printed tools so you probably just want to tighten stuff and then print the align tools for use later....




    I will try this. Right now what I am doing is attempting to just print a single one of these items, just to see how that turns out.

  2. I posted the other day asking for help and some people chimed in. Here is the previous thread I made. I made suggested changes, and started the new print. Here are the new settings as suggested by different people. I also set up a custom material setting on the ultimaker 2 with the following.

    Nozzle Temperature: 220c

    Bed Temperature: 45c

    Flow: 100%

    Everything else default

    But this morning I come into this . (mfw )

    It seems that the entire print surface shifted, somewhere, something went horribly wrong. I made sure that the nozzle was clear, no blockages, I did the atomic pull like 10 times (ok, only 3 times, but still) and I stuck around for the first hour of the print job and there were no obvious issues. What am I doing wrong?

  3. I am trying to get acquainted with the Ultimaker to the point where I feel comfortable enough to print for the E-nable program. So far, i have tried printing little keychains, adjusting settings here and there, but everytime there is an issue. Before, the feeder would just chew away at the PLA, but I solved that by loosening the tension. Now, the material just bunches up on the nozzle and I end up with this horrible mess of melted PLA. I am using reccomended settings, there is no dust on on the filament, I have calibrated and recalibrated the machine, I just cannot get a good print going. What is my next step? Completely take apart all of the components? Factory reset? What can I do to get a good print??

    Here are screenshots of my settings.


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