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Posts posted by Arie_Dub

  1. Thanks.

    But for calibrating, zeroing print bed, the end stop is in the wrong spot is in the place for the preset UMO profile and there is no option to add a second hot-end to the preset UMO+ profile. Have to create a custom profile? Or zero with the UMO+ profile then skip all that when I set it up with the UMO profile?


  2. I have 2 of the same UMO+ temp sensors. They seemed to work fine in Cura's UMO setup test.

    No one even answered my question...

    So, therefore to use Cura. I have to set it up as an an UMO with 2 hot-ends and the heated bed, and change the position of the end stops on my printer UMO+ to the UMO position specs, at the end of the build volume space instead of at the start?

  3. Original + with dual extrusion

    Hello, I added a second extruder from the Original update kit. Therefore to use Cura I have to set it up as an an Original with the heated bed, and change the position of the end stops on my printer Original + to the Original position specs? At the end instead of at the start? Or can I do a custom setup to tweak Cura so I don't have to change anything on my printer?




  4. I am making my Ulimaker original plus dual extrusion and I was told that I can't have the second hot end and the heated bed on at the same time or it will draw more power than is supplied. So, is this the case? I also plan to add a second fan mod. I have a second main board as X-Axis on it doesn't work. If I get another power supply could I modify the firmware so that the 2 boards work in tandem. If I can connect the main boards in tandem and mod the firmware then I could make it Quad Extrusion and could use 1 of the axis' stepper motors to control raising and lowering the active/inactive hot end as needed!

    Thx Arie

  5. Ya, I was thinking about that.  Couldn't I use Adriano Shield expansions boards

    How about what I was thinking. ...not only extraction of filament, but extraction of the hot end itself so it won't bump into or get in the way of the newly printed item while printing it. So only the hot-end doing the printing at that moment is 1-2mm lower that the non-printing heads and could be controlled by a 'off-head' stepper motor & flexible shaft & 'on-head' rotating disc/spring mechanism for retraction/extraction of hot-ends.

  6. How about what I was thinking. ...not only extraction of filament, but extraction of the hot end itself so it won't bump into or get in the way of the newly printed item while printing it. So only the hot-end doing the printing at that moment is 1-2mm lower that the non-printing heads and could be controlled by a 'off-head' stepper motor & flexible shaft & 'on-head' rotating disc/spring mechanism for retraction of hot-end.

  7. The Y-Axis Motor not getting power from the UMO+ Main PCB.   I've tested by switching both the X & Y-Axis Motors & Limit Switches and both the X & Y-Axis Stepper Motors & Limit Switches are fine.  The Main PCB is not controlling the motor!  I haven't tested the output with a Multi-meter yet.  I've installed the newest Cura and updated the Firmware to no avail.  I just built the kit and that is the only problem I've noticed soo far besides these:

     Z-Axis Limit Switch needing at least 3 washers on the inside between the switch and the wall (because during the 1st startup 'Auto Home' it slipped off and went past my set Z=0 limit and had to scramble to turn it off fast).  

     Extruder Temp. Sensor's (PT100B) wire is too short by at least 12cm's (to be tight).



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