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    Ultimaker 2
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  1. Is there a way to input material costs like in the previous cura version? If not, I'd suggest a material database (maybe a dropdown in the simple setup section) to choose which material you're using. a) for easier cost calculation (not every material costs the same) b) for some fool-proof settings, like disabling cooling fans for ABS and adding the new draft shield (great option by the way, I have yet to try it but in theory it sounds great) I know I could set up a profile for each material, but then I'd have to setup multiple profiles for each material with different print qualities and it would just get out of hand. Simple background, we're going to charge users by printed length of material, so some sort of material database could allow us to share the database between computers, disable out-of-stock materials and set a different price for each material. I guess we could create a plugin too, but I don't think we're the only ones dealing with this kind of thing.
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